Summer Programs
Here at the Creative Play Center, our name says it all! Our Summer program includes 9 weeks of activities, field trips and experiments. Our space allows for preschool through 3rd grade children to explore hands-on activities that encourage creative ideas and follow their independent passions. Check out our individual themes to find the programs that excites your child.
Summer 2024- Currently Full
Week 1 : Amusement Parks June 10 – 14
What makes an Amusement Park? Do you like roller coasters? Can you make a fun ride for a marble? How about cotton candy or funnel cakes? Let’s take a trip to an amusement park and ride some rides!
Week 2 : Teddy Bears June 17 – 21 CPC closed June 19th (fees adjusted)
+ Swim session 1
What could be better than making your own teddy bear and then keeping it at CPC for a week of adventures together?!
Week 3 : Forms of Water June 24 – 28
+ Swim session 1
Liquid, solid, gas? Water takes all forms!We will try melting water ice as well as dry ice, water balloons and a trip to the Water Park in Antioch.
Week 4 : Super Heroes July 1 – 3 CPC Closed July 4th and 5th (fees adjusted)
+ Swim session 2
Dress yourself up in your own individual mask, capes handmade by you! Perform amazing feats of strength and endurance during our super obstacle course.
Week 5: Ocean Animals July 8 – 12
+ Swim session 2
Let’s learn about fish and mammals that live in the ocean. We will see how fish feel, dissect a squid, and then travel to the Aquarium to see how they live.
Week 6 : Beaches July 15 – 19
We have such amazing beaches in this area. Visit a new beach every day or build a beach in the yard. Create an Ocean in a bottle and a beach scene to take with you.
Week 7 : Creeks July 22-26
Have fun exploring the creeks in the area and the animals you might find at a creek. Learn about what is involved in camping. Take a trip to Samuel P Taylor park and play in the creek. Even enjoy a campfire and s’mores!
Week 8 : Old West July 29 – Aug 2
Take a trip back in time to see how the cowboys lived. Build a fort in the yard, rope some cows and learn to square dance.
Week 9 : Messy Art Aug 5 – 9
Let’s get messy with art. Explore Ooblek, Slime, and Tie dye during this last week of camp! Plus take a trip to the Discovery Museum in Sausalito for more exploration.
*please fill out application. For early bird pricing, total amount must be paid by April 1st for all weeks. If you would rather spread out your payments please send $20 per week deposit that will be credited to your total amount due. Deposit will be forfeited for any week you decide not to come.
Download Summer Camp Application
Click here to download the form. Then mail or email to us to reserve your spot. Note “due by” dates for fees listed on the form.